Slinky Red Thing
Send Smoke Signals


Speaking the Truth
In Black and White
On the Contrary...
Send Smoke Signals

I enjoy reading what you think of my magazine...

True, sometimes I enjoy it only because then I sit with a group of my friends and we laugh at what you have to say. But sometimes people who write make decent points. If you're lucky enough to be one of those people (or if I happen to be in a mock-in-public mood), I might publish your letters. I'm also taking submissions for articles, reviews, stories, whatever. If you're thinking of contributing that way, make sure you read the Contributer's Guidelines on this page. If you don't follow the rules, I shall mail you envelopes full of a flesh eating bacteria. You will not be happy.

E-mail Me

Contributor's Guidelines

Being the eternally prepared person that I am, I have no set topics for future issues. I'm making this up as I go along. I'll print pretty much anything I feel like printing, and probably even some stuff I'd rather burn than print.

As far as official guidelines go, I have a few. Any pictures you send (pictures alone or with links) must be in either GIF or JPG ideally. If not, I can probably convert them myself, but I'd really rather not have to. If you're sending an article/story/review/other text document, please send it in Microsoft Works Word Processor, Microsoft Word, or WordPad.

When deciding what to send, use common sense. If you don't have any, don't bother writing. I'm not going to print pictures of anyone naked (although I would consider printing pictures of a scantily clad Hugh Jackman or Seth Green...maybe Donnie Wahlberg). I'll be using my own discretion to make decisions about printing any text documents that even come close to erotic fiction, but if you know me in real life you'd be surprised at what I'd consent to print. And if I won't print it, I will give you the option of posting it elsewhere, sending me a graphic and a link, and I'll most likely link to it.

Most importantly, you retain the rights to anything you send to me, even if I print it. Feel free to publish it wherever else will accept it, but pay attention to other publications' rules. If they won't allow you to publish in two places, and you'd prefer to have your work in their publication, you must tell me this. I don't intend to be sued for you. I'll send any attorneys in your direction, and then I'll drink some hot chocolate not offer you any.

Finally, be advised that the only form of compensation you have any hope of receiving if I publish your work here is a boost in your self-esteem. But you could always send the URL to every single person you know, and then many people can compliment you, and you'll feel high and mighty.

Subscription Information

If you'd like to be notified when new editions of the magazine are published, or if you're just fascinated by me and want to pump up my ego a few notches, send me your e-mail address. I will then put you on a list, and when I update, you will receive an impersonal form letter informing you of anything I feel like telling you. (Tempting, isn't it?)





